martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

How to... interrupt!

¡Cómo… interrumpir!

Not Formal:

-       Excuse me, just a moment, I was just wondering if…
-       ´Scuse me, so sorry, just wanted to tell you quickly that I am leaving early.
-       Sorry, hey, just wanted to know…
-       Are you busy?
-       Do you have a second...?

-        Pardon the interruption, sir/madam, there is someone on the phone for you. 
-        I´m ever so sorry…
-        Please forgive the interruption...
-        Sorry to interrupt, have you got a moment…?
-        Excuse me please, so sorry, …

And now, a JOKE!

(Las bromas de ‘Knock, Knock’ son simples y muy populares en los países angloparlantes. ‘Knock, knock’ es el sonido que se produce cuando alguien llama a la puerta. La otra persona actúa como si estuviera respondiendo a la llamada, ‘Who´s there?’ )

Person A:   Knock Knock!
Person B: Who’s there?
A: Interrupting Cow.
B: Interrupting cow who...  
A:  ...MOO!!!

(¡*moo es el sonido que hace la vaca!)

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